“Bob Mahoney kick-started my sales career by opening the door to my first college internship. Over the past 4 years, he diligently prepped me for countless interviews. With each check-in I felt more and more confident in the direction I was headed. Bob provides me with the big picture perspective, my professional career wouldn’t be the same today without his guidance!”
— EC

Happy Clients


“After nine years with the same company, it was time to make a career change. The challenge was that my skill set felt specific to my current job and I knew I wanted something different. Bob helped me realize how I could take my consulting background and turn my passion for people and client services into a customer centric marketing role for a product I believe in.

Beyond helping me figure out where my professional skills and personality intersected, Bob also connected me with his network of friends who had experience in my field of interest. I got meetings at the highest level with companies and individuals I never would have met had it not been for Bob.

Bob understands that it's not what you know OR who you know - it's both and it's hard for one person to navigate all of it on their own. Bob will strategically empower you to find a job you love and he'll throughly love watching you get there.”

— JL

“Bob talked with me about my career path, and helped me in my search for internships and practice my interview skills. He did a mock interview with me and provided me with his online resources, which were helpful to me as I prepared for interviews with potential employers. With Bob's help I was able to find a good summer internship at a bank I really liked…”

— AT

“As a parent, I was very happy to engage Bob in my daughter’s search for a new job. As a millennial, she had her doubts but was a willing partner.

After a few phone call conversations with Bob, she confessed he was really good – helped her think through what she liked to do, didn’t enjoy and what her goals are. This wasn’t an easy process and required a lot of hard work on her part to truly process these questions. Bob was terrific- very patient with her and encouraged her to be honest, practical and realistic.

Today she is happily employed and that makes us, her parents very happy too!”

— SA

“Bob helped our son prepare for finance internship interviews with banks. He definitely made our son feel more confident and gave him tips that he otherwise never would have learned. The service Bob provides as a Job coach is invaluable. Wisdom. With Bob’s help, our son was able to secure an internship with Cambridge Savings Bank and hopes to get a full time permanent position with the bank when he graduates in 2021. It’s nice to know our son will always have Bob as his job coach.”

— JT

“Bob Mahoney is an outstanding and strongly committed career coach. He has mentored and provided extremely helpful career advice to many young professionals in my home town of Belmont. His podcasts on career counseling provide invaluable ideas for focusing one’s career efforts. I have watched them as well and have learned a number of valuable lessons even at the stage of my current career.”

— MP

“ I met with Mr. Mahoney a number of times to discuss my career goals and plans. I was having a hard time deciding what major to choose in my final two years of College. Mr. Mahoney was very helpful and provided me with simple and straightforward advice on how to make a decision on my Major and possible career. I chose the field of Psychology and I am incredibly excited about it. I am grateful for all the help Mr. Mahoney provided to me.”

— SP